
3uTools Jailbreaks iOS 4.0

2017年1月19日 — Step 1: Please make sure that you have downloaded and installed the latest 3uTools on PC. Connect iPhone to 3uTools using the USB cable.

How to Jailbreak Your iPad 1 Using RedSn0w (Windows) ...

2012年5月20日 — These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPad 1 on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware using RedSn0w for Windows. The Mac version of this tutorial ...

iOS 5.1.1

Here are download links for the latest versions of software for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad jailbreaking, activating and unlocking:.

iPad iOS 5.1.1 完美破解(Untethered Jailbreak) 教學

1.1.) 開啟iTunes 並將iPad 連接至電腦. 1.2.) iTunes 認出主機後, 使用滑鼠右按Back Up 選項. 1.3.) 備份資料需時, 請等侍iTunes 回應. 注意事項 建議完成備份才繼續本篇 ...

Jailbreak iPad 1, IOS 5.1.1 using Mac?

2023年12月15日 — Please head to https://ios.cfw.guide- this is an easy guide that lists the jail breaking methods for all device and version combinations.

[Discussion] Using and Ipad 1 in 2020 (IOS 5.1.1) Jailbreak ...

2020年7月31日 — Hello guys. I made a blog about what you can still do with an Ipad 1 in 2020. The blog contains uses for both non-jailbroken and jailbroken ...


2017年1月19日—Step1:Pleasemakesurethatyouhavedownloadedandinstalledthelatest3uToolsonPC.ConnectiPhoneto3uToolsusingtheUSBcable.,2012年5月20日—TheseareinstructionsonhowtojailbreakyouriPad1ontheiOS5.1.1firmwareusingRedSn0wforWindows.TheMacversionofthistutorial ...,HerearedownloadlinksforthelatestversionsofsoftwareforiPhone,iPodTouchandiPadjailbreaking,activatingandunlocking:.,1.1.)開啟iTunes並將...

iOS 4.3.3 JB後也記得修補PDF的漏洞唷!

iOS 4.3.3 JB後也記得修補PDF的漏洞唷!


iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學
